November 2010: “”W”hat Goes Up Must Come Down: Stamper Capital & Investments Forecasts Become Reality” This article examines how Clark Stamper was able to forecast the past decade’s market direction back in 2002, in the shape of a right-tilted ‘W’, and has been proven correct since.
October 2009: Market Comment Stamper explains how the equity market in October has validated his January 2009 Market Forecast as expected.
June 2002: ““W”hat the Economy Might Look Like” This article is where we first made our right-tilted W forecast for the economy and riskier financial markets.
September 2001: Market Comment Stamper comments on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the financial markets.
September 2001: Best Opportunities An update comment on the success of the May 1999 Best Opportunities Article.
February 2001: The Monthly Miser – Optimal Portfolio Allocation A featured article in our former newsletter ‘The Monthly Miser’, where we analyze a study that shows the optimal porfolio balancing between equity (20%) and municipal bonds (80%) can produce the best returns with the least amount of risk. Note: as of 2011, Stamper Capital & Investments, Inc. does not recommend this strategy, as there is too much uncertainty in the markets, and risk is extremely hard to control for without the help of an experienced professional portfolio manager.
May 1999: Best Opportunities Forgotten Asset Class (Muni’s) Offer Best Relative Upside/Downside Characteristics Since 1987 Tops