Current Performance


Stamper Capital & Investments, Inc.
Separately Managed Accounts (National Tax-Free) vs. Tax-Free Municipal Bond Indices
Annual Total Returns, Period Ended 1-31-2025

Morningstar Muni Short Category AverageSCI Separately Managed Tax-Fee Municipal Accounts Composite Net of FeesSCI Separately Managed Accounts Net Pre-Tax Equivalent*Bloomberg Barclay's
3 Year Tax-Free
Muni Bond Index
1 Year3.07%
3 Years1.70%2.82%4.34%1.40%
5 Years1.18%2.43%3.74%1.04%
10 Years1.24%2.26%3.48%1.34%
15 Years1.43%2.21%3.39%1.56%
Since Inception (1/1/1995)N/A3.65%5.62%N/A

Note: Indices do not have fees (trading costs, custody fees, management fees, etc.) deducted from their returns. We now have a much more reasonable index to compare to - the Bloomberg Barclay's 3 Year Tax-Free Municipal Index. We still aim for similar or better returns with less risk - The key with this table is that our longer term pre-tax municipal bond returns are noticeably higher than the bond market index but with What We Think is less risk - we will see when rates start to rise and/or credit quality yield spreads widen.
Please see the Disclaimer and Footnotes at the bottom of the page for more information.
* at 35% Federal tax rate

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Stamper Capital & Investments, Inc.
Fee-Based Municipal Bond Experts for Over 25 Years