


Stamper's Strategies

Bottom-Up Credit Analysis, one of the primary tools used at Stamper Capital & Investments, Inc. to make well-informed decisions.  Credit Quality is the major concern when making investments in lower quality bonds, credit analysis helps track the credit quality of bonds making sure it does not deteriorate and that our investors are paid back principal and interest on schedule.

Purchasing "Less-Followed" Investments can be used to add value to portfolios, by searching out investments, which are overlooked, under-researched and mispriced, yet offer "more yield (income) per credit quality" or per upside/downside characteristics that the financial markets in general.

Avoiding Positions that can't make it through a business cycle is a more defensive strategy that we use to avoid categories that dramatically outperform during one period and dramatically under perform in the next period.

Cushion Bonds strategy involves purchasing high coupon bonds trading to a short call (not very far in the future).  Cushion Bond strategy can be key in outperforming other market opportunities.

Non-Market Sensitive Investments are positions whose return is independent of general market fluctuations.

Implementation, knowing the strategies is not enough to outperform.  Making purchases at the right levels is essential to outperforming alternative market opportunities.